At Dobbie we like to keep you up to date with the latest industry news. 

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If you would like to contribute or comment on any of our articles below, feel free to get in touch.

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Geothermal Supply to Pellet Plant

In 2019 Dobbie designed the geothermal supply and systems for Contact Energy and Natures Flame for the wood pellet manufacturing plant in Taupo; with the pellets being dried with renewable energy. This will result in up to 1,600 terajoules of energy that may otherwise have been produced using fossil fuels – the net result will be a substantial decrease in carbon emissions.


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Crackdown on Hazardous Substances (HS) Regulations

The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996 has recently been superseded by the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017.


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Safety in Design and at Construction Sites

Section 39 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 specifically targets designers. We must ‘design out’ hazards or advise others of the remaining hazards that may be present during construction, operation, maintenance or demolition of the items we design.


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Biomass Boilers

In 2018 Dobbie were involved with three biomass steam boiler projects ranging from 4MW to 14MW output.


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This year Dobbie presented at the annual Geothermal Workshop and updated the NZ geothermal industries on recent Direct Heat projects that Dobbie have provided design expertise for.


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Energy Efficiency Funding

EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) have shown that meat and dairy plants are the biggest users of industrial heat in New Zealand. More than half of the approximately 200 plants nationwide use coal fired boilers...


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Seismic Resilience of Pressure Equipment

The required seismic loads that a new building must withstand are determined from NZ Standard NZS 1170.5. There have been issues interpreting this standard when used for pressure equipment as working stress design methods are used...


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Modifying Pressure Equipment

New Zealand’s pressure equipment regulations require modifications to existing pressure pipes and vessels to go through the same process that applies to new pressure equipment...