The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996 has recently been superseded by the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. There has been a focus by WorkSafe to ensure that HS Inspectors are enforcing regulatory requirements, as a result some HS inspectors have been removed from the Register for negligence. Some of our clients have recently been required to provide documentation retrospectively to regain certification for HS piping and vessels designed by others.
HS Inspectors typically look for the following records:
For Storage Tanks:
- Design Certificate or PS1 Producer Statement for the Design of the Tank, Foundation and Bund.
- A Construction Review Certificate or PS4 Producer Statement (by the Engineer).
- Hydrostatic (Leak) test for the tank and secondary containment (bund).
For Pressure Piping / Vessels:
- Design Verification Certificate.
- Hydrotest Certificate.
- QA Dossier for pressure equipment (Certified drawings, materials certificates, welding procedures etc).
- PN19 and inspection Certificates for pipe and vessel supports.
We are available to help you meet these requirements for new and existing Hazardous Substances installations.